Some experts predict we will reach AGI within a decade — or sooner. But hold off polishing the medals. Reaching the AGI finish line requires overcoming significant hurdles along the way.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) hits the headlines every day with its promises of new benefits for mankind, but also by concerns about new harms. Normal commercial investment and competition will ensure we get the new benefits, but the harms of AI are already evident and many are very difficult to deal with; ‘AI Safety’ is therefore an urgent priority.
AI conversational agents like ChatGPT are evolving at breakneck speed. Shovel-ready speech and video integrations will bring AI agents to life as co-workers, advisors, and friends. The relationships with our newfound companions will build on three ingredients - personification, personalization, and perspective.
We propose 12 Principles for AI Regulation, from which detailed regulations may be derived. Our proposals enhance benefits of AI systems through improved trust, slow development of only as needed to conform to regulations, and not restrict innovation, except in areas where AI poses extreme risks to humanity.
When the pandemic disrupted everyone’s life, people examined their priorities and purpose. Your employees started questioning the importance of their work and their career. As a result, many talented employees…
The Labor Department reported 10.9 million job vacancies in December. At the same time, some 8.4 million potential workers were looking for work. Buried among this mass of applicants are some hidden gems.
There is a vast group of people who don’t need all the bells and whistles in today’s software. We keep being inundated with upgrades we don’t need and forced to buy subscriptions that chunk away at our fixed incomes. We need less capable and cheaper software.
“Our society has effectively outsourced the building of software that makes our world possible to a small group of engineers in an isolated corner of the country."